Mastermind Marketing

How To Make Your SEO Audit Report Stand Out From The Crowd

how to make seo audit report stand out search engine optimization reports

Your website's performance in search engines directly influences its success, traffic, and income potential. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures that websites appear on the first page of search engine results. Therefore, it is crucial for increasing traffic. 

An SEO audit report that helps clients see how you have progressed toward your goals is a great way to keep your agency on track.

The key is making your report as readable as possible without wasting time copying and pasting tables and charts from other platforms. Here are 4 tips to help you create a perfect SEO audit report for your clients every time.

1. Keywords

SEO audit reports are essential to educating your clients, documenting the impact of your efforts, and building trust. Therefore, these reports should be concise, quick to create, and easy to understand. It is where a free SEO report template can be a big help. 

A critical aspect of an effective report is clearly defining goals and KPIs. It lets you clearly show how well your strategies work and set priorities for the next month.

The other aspect of an effective report is checking progress and identifying issues that need to be fixed. It helps your clients avoid losing momentum.

While keyword rankings are imperfect, a high click-through rate and engagement can signal that your page has gotten Google's attention. However, keep in mind that search engine rankings can change quickly.

2. Traffic

One of the best ways to impress clients with your SEO work is to create reports that show progress in key metrics. It helps you demonstrate how your strategies have helped your client meet their goals, and you can then start planning future campaigns accordingly to deliver more long-term wins.

Your clients are also likely to want to see how their website is performing regarding bounce rate, and you will need to include this data as well. It can help them understand why certain parts of their website convert slower than they would like.

3. Backlinks

Backlinks are links from one website to a page on another website (sometimes known as "inbound links," "incoming links," or "one-way connections"). Google and other major search engines regard backlinks as "votes" for a given website. Sites with many backlinks typically score well in organic search engine results. Backlinks are a huge part of SEO and significantly impact search rankings. Therefore, having a lot of high-quality links is essential for increasing your ranking.

The first step to do is to assess your current backlinks. You can do this with the help of a backlink analysis tool.

It can give you a clear view of your total backlinks and unique domains. It can also help you identify the best domains to link to and improve your backlink profile.

Next, you should look at the anchor texts used to link to your page. It can indicate the site's authority and whether they use the right keywords or phrases to link to your page.

4. Conversions

One of the effective ways to illustrate your skills as an SEO wizard is by tracking and reporting on the conversions that matter. It might be as simple as counting the number of customers or leads generated by your optimized website. Still, it can also mean measuring ad revenues, e-book downloads, or subscription revenue. Ideally, these numbers will be directly tied to your client's business and their marketing budget. The goal is to make your SEO audit report stand out and sway the important marketing budget in your favor.

An excellent way to do that is by making a custom Google Analytics (GA) report with the most pertinent data points. For example, a custom GA report should include your client's unique visitors and visitor behavior by segment; what content is generating the most conversions (or at least attracting the most eyeballs); and, of course, the best way to display all that information in an easy-to-read report.

Smart SEO Audits

When it comes to an SEO audit, you can't settle for average. Keep these above top tips in mind when creating search engine optimization audits for business websites and blogs to ensure they go over and above the average reports.