Mastermind Marketing

How To Improve Your Brand Reputation Online

how to improve brand reputation

It is true what they say; reputation is everything. Well, any digital marketing agency in London will tell you when it comes to brand identity, it certainly is. You can spend 15 years building a reputation and 15 minutes ruining it, as the old adage says.

However, no one can have a 100% squeaky clean reputation. We all understand mistakes happen, complaints occur, and this ultimately can cause some damage to your brand's reputation. 

But a couple of negative complaints doesn't mean your brand is completely ruined; there are steps and measures you can take to ensure that you not only improve your reputation but also help build your brand up as a reliable, trustworthy and reputable company. 

Why Is It Important? 

It is essential to manage your online brand reputation because it impacts consumer behaviour, including the most important thing… whether or not they choose to buy from you. 

When potential buyers look at your brand, they want to see if it fits their interests and needs. If they find that you have a good reputation online, then there is a higher chance that they will buy from you because of this alignment. 

Customers who know about your good reputation may be more inclined to continue using your services or products because they know what to expect (i.e. quality). 

You may be thinking, well, brand reputation is all about other people's opinions, which I cannot control. Well, you would be right to a certain extent, but there are ways you can not only change people's opinions but monitor what is said and say you control the conversation around your brand. 


Track your brand mentions. This can be done through social media, search engine results and third-party review sites. You will need to have a strategy in place to follow up on these mentions and respond accordingly. 

Using a monitoring tool that gathers data from multiple sources and offers it all in one place for easy access, you can ensure you don't miss a thing. 

Up Your Social Media Check-Ins 

Be active on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn that are relevant to your business. 

Social media community management is key here. If someone has slid into your DMs with a question, they will likely expect a quick and fast response, so ensure that you either are checking them regularly or you have a plan in place to ensure each person is responded to within 24 hours. 

If you find something bad said about your company or product/service offerings online that doesn't look legitimate (or at least from an unbiased source), report it immediately so that the offending content gets taken down ASAP! 


While professional, well-lit photos on your website look the most appealing and enticing, sometimes a raw, authentic photo of a happy customer can increase your brand's reputation even more effectively. 

So encourage your customer to share their content of them interacting with your brand. User-generated content creates social proof of concept and is very positive for your reputation. 

Let Your Reviews Do The Talking! 

Ask customers who have used your product or service before whether they mind leaving reviews online (especially if they are positive). 

It is not only good practice for businesses nowadays, but it helps consumers feel more confident about buying from companies without first seeing how other people react after doing. 

But don't just delete the bad reviews or ignore them. If someone posts a bad review or complaint on a forum, Facebook page or website, you should reply in a timely manner explaining why you think they have the wrong information or how you can help resolve it. Ideally, try not to make it a public back and forth, but if it is already visible, it can sometimes be good to show that you are willing to put things right for an unhappy customer. 

A simple "Sorry to hear this, have sent you a private DM so we can get to the bottom of this" message can help change the narrative of that initial negative comment. 

Invest In Your SEO 

Getting that coveted top spot on Google's results page carries a lot of weight for any brand. Not only does it show you a reputable brand in Google's eyes, but also the consumers. 

Look to invest in your SEO strategy to ensure that you are up there with the best of the best. We understand that the top spot is these days a highly competitive sport, so at the very least, aim for the top 10. 

A quick tip on how to do this is to stay on top of your blog. 


Your business reputation is everything! By following these tips, you should not only build a good reputation, but repair any damage caused to it in no time.