Mastermind Marketing

6 Ways To Make Video Work For Your Business

ways to make video work for business marketing

Video marketing is more than just a gimmick. It is now one of the most popular and effective ways by which brands are marketing their business out there in every industry. In the last few years (especially in 2020 and 2021), with the whole world locked into their houses, people have consumed the most video content ever. 

YouTube has said that it observed more than a billion hours of video content being uploaded every day of the year. That tells you a lot about how popular video marketing is and if a brand can use it to attract more customers. 

If you are running a business, just using an excellent online video editor won't do the job. You have to find ways in which your videos can look exciting and reliable. Video content is effective in both ways - it is informative and promotional as well. Let's take a look at the six ways in which it can work for your business. 

1. Product Demonstration Videos 

Consumers like watching product demonstration videos. A short and easy-to-understand video that will show off your product or any particular service will give you a significant edge over others. 

Product demonstration videos help build up confidence among the consumers. They feel a lot more comfortable shopping from your website. These kinds of videos have other benefits as well. Brands have reported fewer product returns, better reviews, etc. This is because customers have ordered the right product without worrying about anything else. 

To create the best product demonstration video, you must keep them short. The video should not be more than 2 minutes long. 

However, if the product or service is complex, you can extend the time frame for better understanding. You can even create a series of short videos and help people to understand step-by-step. 

Don't forget to add a CTA or Call To Action. This will allow your viewers to shop for the product from the video directly. Thus, reducing any extra effort needed to purchase it. 

2. Educational Content

You’ll be surprised to know that viewers have 95% of retaining a message when they watch a video. This is a giant leap compared to the 10% when they read a block of regular text. Tutorials regarding a product or "How to videos" are the best bet when it comes to engaging the audience. They can successfully hold their attention span, and you can showcase your expertise with ease. 

Adding educational content helps you bring more value to your customers, and they feel more confident about your brand. You can use animated videos or compelling graphics to create such content and convey a message. 

3. Explainer Videos 

By now, most of us are very well aware of what explainer videos are. More than 94% of all people have agreed that they watch explainer videos when they are interested to know about a particular product. Moving forward, 84% of them believe that the footage influenced their purchasing decision. 

Explainer videos are quite different from the educational content that you create with the help of an online video editor. You can add a more casual and humorous tone to these videos and make them more interesting than others. They help you to convey to the audience what exactly you are trying to sell to them. 

4. Branded Content 

Branded Content can be seen everywhere on social media and other online platforms. It has never been easier for brands to publish their content and reach out to the target audience. Branded content allows any business to directly engage with the audience and the people who are genuinely interested in buying their products. 

However, it would be best if you avoided blatant promotion of your brand. Instead, you can focus on storytelling and other aspects of video creation for the best results. This will help to add some value and entertainment. As a result, people will be able to connect with your content easily and understand your message. 

5. Testimonial Videos 

User-generated content is also an effective form of video that can work for your business. You will see that top brands have added such videos to their website. This is because testimonials help to build trust and authenticity in your brand. People can check out the human side of your business and see what honest people have to say about you. 

Such videos are a lot more meaningful and hold a significant value to every brand out there. You can even shoot and record a testimonial video by going live and allowing all of your followers to engage in the stream. They will be more than happy to connect with your brand. 

6. Social Media Content 

Last but not least, social media videos can also do wonders for your brand and help you establish a presence. More than half a billion people constantly watch online videos as we speak. Thus, it makes every social media platform out there effective for promoting your business. 

Social media marketing videos should be fun, exciting, and very engaging to allow everyone to participate in them. Share them across all social media platforms and encourage your viewers to like and share your content. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok should be definitely under your radar for such content. 

You can even make the most of the different features and fun abilities that some of these platforms bring to you. For instance, use the Story feature on Instagram to upload quick snaps of your team members working or other glimpses of the products that will be launched. 

The Bottom Line On Video For Business

These are the top ways in which you can make video content work for your business. Each of these different kinds of videos has its own set of features and benefits that will help you promote your brand out there. Not only that, they even help you attract, convert and retain the people who try to connect with you, thus, contributing to a bigger audience.