Mastermind Marketing

Money For Nothing And Your Checks For Free

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There’s no such thing as a free lunch. You’ve all heard that saying and other variables along the same train of thought. Should you look a gift horse in the mouth? Can you really, as Dire Straits once suggested in song, get your money for nothing? 

Absolutely you can. There are all kinds of opportunities to gain freebies, if you’re willing to put in the time to seek them out and perhaps exert a little bit of effort in order to qualify for the stipend from that handout. 

Look around. There’s free stuff waiting for you to pluck around every corner. If you’re considering giving sports betting a try, online sites such as Spin Palace offer to match dollar for dollar your first deposit to your account. 

However, you don’t need to be a gambler in order to access free money. In fact, it’s a safe bet that without much trying, you’ll soon be raking in the free stuff and the savings that goes with it. 

Survey Says 

One of the most painless ways to access freebies is by filling out online surveys. There are several of these sites that offer free stuff in exchange for a little bit of your time and the willingness to offer your opinion and share some information. 

At Survey Junkie, you build your profile and then they match you to surveys. By completing these surveys, you’ll earn virtual points. Then you can trade those virtual points for popular gift cards and cash outs via PayPal. And you’ll also be having a say in changing the consumer products of tomorrow. 

Another popular online survey site is E-Rewards. Simply by registering at their site, they will supply you with surveys to complete that arrive directly to your email. You’ll get no more than a couple of surveys per day maximum, so it’s not going to be taxing on your time. In fact, it’s easy to fill out one or two while taking a break during the day and enjoying a coffee. And it’s always your decision each time whether or not you choose to participate in each particular survey. 

You won’t get paid directly in cash. Instead, you accumulate points that can then be traded in for gift cards. Available gift cards include fast food such as Starbucks, online shoppings sites such as Amazon, and several hotel chains and car rental companies. 

It might not be cash, but don’t diss the gift card. They make ideal Christmas gifts. 

Survey Savvy is a third site that asks for people to complete online fact finders. And they exchange your time and info for cold, hard cash. You’ll know exactly how much cash is up for grabs before you begin to fill out every survey. 

Clip Coupons 

What, have you turned into your grandparents? Well, if they’re smart, savvy, money-saving machines, then yes you have. 

Just last week, we went to the grocery store to stock up on pet foot. When you’ve got four dogs and two cats in your lives, that can prove to be an expensive excursion. 

However, by scouring through the handy coupons that you can find on the web, or by kicking it old school and clipping them out of the newspaper, savings can be yours. We found one that saved us $3 on a bag of dog food and another that was worth $4 off a bag of cat food. 

Scoff if you will, but that’s $7 that otherwise wouldn’t have remained in our bank account or towards your utility bills. And through investing or paying off debts, you put that saved money to work earning more money.

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Sell Your Stuff 

Everyone’s basement, garage, and/or shed is stocked full of stuff you were certain that you’d need someday, but someday never came. Now it’s just taking up space and collecting dust. 

Minimalism is in, so it’s long past time to part ways with things you have no use for, but there’s someone out there who will be certain that they do. There’s plenty of online marketplace sites where you can move that stuff out of your life and bring some much-needed cash into your world. Sell your extra stuff on Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or any other applicable platform to earn some fast cash while clearing out your closet. 

Cashout Conclusion

Then you can take those funds and go enjoy a nice meal, pay off a bill, or buy yourself some more junk that you’ll never use. You really can turn crud into cash!