Mastermind Marketing

PPC Services

ppc services pay-per-click advertising

The best way to understand what pay per click (PPC) is about and the services it offers is through an example: if you or your company requires advertising on the internet, you hire a campaign in an online medium or web platform through PPC mode, so that every time a user clicks on your ad, a predetermined amount of money is deducted from you; The price paid for each user who enters your website through this ad is called cost per click. 

The idea is to buy visits to the site that you want to promote instead of waiting for them to arrive organically and the aim is that new customers reach what you are offering, all in order to increase sales. Here what is most worthwhile is that it will only be paid when the ad is clicked. The cost will be zero if it was only displayed and did not get results. 

And does this PPC services bring benefits? Clear. We are talking about a type of direct marketing, in which you only pay for real, tangible results. 

In addition, these are other benefits: 

PPC Benefits

- Some platforms such as Google Ads you can place your products directly to users who are interested or looking for those same products. 

- PPC reveals information about the ad. The number of clicks that have been made or the impressions that it has obtained. 

- If the campaign is not working, changes can be made on the fly. 

- For companies that offer a product or service that is bought online, it is a good strategy online. The conversion from click to sales is simpler and more direct. 

- You have the possibility to divide and select the geographical areas where you want your ads to be published. 

- You choose the budget you want to spend per ad. 

To achieve effective campaigns, it is necessary to use the appropriate keywords. 

This will tell us if we are using the words indicated for said ad. To do this, there are tools that allow you to know what users are looking for on the Internet. 

Another important part before running the campaign is to organize the link that takes users to the page where they must do an action. For example buying products. 

That the landing page is optimized is important to generate sales. 

Top Platforms For Making PPC Ads 

There are search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing that have their own platform so that the advertiser can carry out their advertising through PPC campaigns. 

Facebook Ads is one of those examples of how social networks also carry out advertising campaigns with PPC. 

Google Ads 

It is the largest PPC platform. Google Ads targets the entire business scenario, we are also talking about the most used search engine worldwide. What Google does is select the advertisers that will appear in the results of each search based on an auction and an algorithm. It qualifies the ads according to their effectiveness and relevance in relation to the term (Keyword / keyword) that has been searched. 

Bing Ads 

Similar to the previous one, this platform shows the ads in the Bing and Yahoo search engines. There are other search engines like Baidu or Yandex that also have their own PPC platform. 

Facebook Ads 

All the ads that are inserted in this social network are paid for clicks. There are different types of ads on Facebook. 

PPC Advertising Conclusion

PPC marketing is a very useful direct response tool for getting sales and attracting new customers. The key is to generate relevant ads for the target customer segment and learn from mistakes, as well as optimize the website so that users can easily take action.