Mastermind Marketing

How To Use WordPress For Social Media And E-Mail Marketing

how to use WordPress websites for social media email marketing WP blog seo

The WordPress development company has played a remarkable role in the support and development of all spheres of human endeavor. They have achieved this through the development of WordPress web development software which now serves as a great and popular tool among web development companies. In fact, according to statistics gotten from a research study, twenty-eight percent of all active websites run on the WordPress platform. 

Some of the advantages or merits of using WordPress for web development services include but not limited to the following: 

WordPress Is SEO-Friendly 

Google, a search engine tool, recognizes websites designed with WordPress, thus, making such websites Search Engine Optimization-friendly. However, Google isn’t the only search engine tool that recognizes WordPress-powered websites, all other search engine tools do too. What this means is that websites developed with WordPress are ranked very high by search engines which in turn leads to enormous traffic generation. And if you want your website to enjoy such an advantage, then you need the services of any of the reputable web developers that are proficient with WordPress. 

WordPress Supports Payment Gateway System 

One merit of designing a website with WordPress is that it supports payment gateway which makes it possible for e-commerce and online transactions to take place easily and conveniently. It is equally useful for both credit and debit card transactions. 

WordPress Websites Are Secure 

Despite supporting payment gateway, WordPress-powered websites are also very secure. The WordPress development company has a team of experienced IT experts who work round the clock in ensuring that no potential cyber attacks will be possible or successful. 

WordPress Hosting Service Is Free 

Apart from the advantages of using a secure WordPress site, it might interest you to know that the online hosting service is free. If you design a website from scratch you will need to pay for the hosting service, however, it is not so with WordPress. This means that WordPress has reduced the cost associated with web development. And as already discussed, the WordPress server is very strong which makes it very secure and invulnerable to hacking and cyber attacks. 

WordPress Can Create Very Beautiful Websites 

WordPress has countless beautiful templates that you can pick from to design your own website. In fact, there are various categories, depending on the category your business falls under. There are categories like music, sports, hospitality, education, cuisine, etc. Also, WordPress offers numerous themes with thousands of plugins that can be used to add all the necessary features to your website. 

WordPress Supports Videos 

If you need to develop a website that requires a video or videos as part of its content, WordPress comes handy. More so, if you already have a website that was developed with WordPress and you have a video that you’ll like to upload to your website, then you can get in touch with a reputable web developer to engage their services. In addition to videos, WordPress supports picture and audio contents as well. So, depending on what you want on your website, WordPress will always make it possible. And in addition to this, it is also possible to use WordPress for digital marketing. 

WordPress Is A Content Management System 

WordPress is developed as a content management system, which means that you can edit the content on your website by yourself should the need arise. For example, if you have a new product that you want to add to your website, you can get it done without the assistance or support of a web developer. It may even be that you want to change the prices of certain products or you’re running a discount promo or any other information you want your web visitors and customers to learn about. All these can be easily edited on your website if it was designed with WordPress. 

It is good to have a website and better if the website can generate a lot of traffic. Hence, being able to design a website with pictures and videos is a plus for business owners because it helps to convert a larger percentage of their web visitors to potential customers, which is the sole aim or purpose of web development. 

E-mail marketing is an excellent means of reaching out to your potential customers, and with WordPress supporting audio and video content, it can be used to create e-mail marketing content by top web developers. 

WordPress equally enables you to link your social media accounts to your website, which in turn makes it possible to get feedback from your customers. It’s therefore, advisable to secure the services of one of the well-known web developers in order to help you develop a website that will serve the ultimate purpose of increasing your customer base and maximizing the profits of your business. Consequently, proficient web developers will help you to design a responsive website with WordPress


In conclusion, the WordPress development company deserves all the support they can get in making the WordPress open source web development platform better because they’re making the business environment more favorable and profitable. As it is known, they are doing an amazing and commendable job with the regular introduction of newer versions of their software which will accommodate all types of business activities. And do not forget, more businesses are still expected to spring up. So, this is why you can never ignore the services of top web developers. Therefore, if it’s a blog you want to design or it’s a website you need for your business, WordPress is a recommendable option. 

Melissa Crooks is Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company in New York, USA and India that holds the best team of skilled and expert Indian app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column. She also writes for top app development companies.