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The 1 Night Stand That Doesn't End - Casual Company Can Lead To Long-Lasting Love With Dating Websites

1 night stand hookup leads to long-lasting love dating website casual relationship

Have you ever heard that a "one night stand" could lead to marriage and a lifetime of love? Well apparently it's more common than you might think. And with high-quality dating websites available, it's occurring more often every year. Part of the reason why they might be so successful is that people go into casual dating or hookups without the stress and expectations of more traditional dates. 

In the dating world, traditional dating can be restricting and stressful. The nights of getting dressed up for fancy restaurants can start to devolve into watching Netflix nonsense in sweatpants and arguing over bills when you’re with the same person for months or years. A lot of people are really just looking to meet new people, have some fun, and enjoy physical intimacy. Adult dating sites and hookups should be a good time and not be a repetitive chore. It turns a lot of people off, literally and figuratively and even leads some to seek a marital affair.

There are so many singles out there that are simply looking for a purely physical connecting when it comes down to it. And there’s nothing wrong with two adults having some consensual fun between the sheets! Luckily there are plenty of wonderful date and hookup websites out there that can help facilitate hookups and including No Strings Dating, and you never know where a 1 night stand can lead… 

It might even help you to find more than just a casual hookup, but a lifelong friendship or romantic relationship that is much more than a 1 night stand! 

Casual Can Work Wonders 

While I personally am taken, I know countless friends and family members that prefer to keep things casual when it comes to their relationship. They meet a lot of cool new people, travel across the globe, and have the freedom to do anything at any time. They can see multiple men or women at once, or just keep things simple with the date of their choice. You can’t deny that it’s an enviable situation, and it’s one that you can enjoy as well with hookup and sex dating websites or apps like No Strings Dating. 

Keep It Casual Compadre

Casual relationships focused on physical intimacy can have some major benefits over traditional adult dating as well, in the short term and long term potentially. Here are just some of the advantages of starting things off as a casual companionship instead of straitlaced courtship: 

It's Much More Affordable Than Traditional Courting 

Casual dating can be a lot less expensive than traditional dating. In traditional dating the courtship process can be incredibly expensive with dates, jewelry, birthday presents, holidays, anniversary presents, vacations, and other overhead. Let’s not even get into engagement rings, weddings, honeymoons, mortgages, and the cost of starting a family. A lot of people can’t even afford to go on multiple dates if they have to pay for part or all of the cost. Casual dating can still involve outings, gifts, and travel but they are usually not as expensive and they are a choice rather than obligation. 

It's Purely Physical, And Physical Activity Is Good For You

Getting physical works nearly all muscle groups in your body including legs, core, upper body, heart (physically and metaphorically), and lungs. It burns plenty of calories and improves cardiovascular health. Making love makes your metabolism go into overdrive which means you burn more calories for hours after the act of passion. That means you’ll look even better in that dress or those yoga pants next time! 

Confidence Boost

It’s always a great confidence booster when someone finds you attractive and wants to be physically intimate with you. Even just getting some flattering messages can be a boost of self-confidence. Having fun and hooking up with someone you’re attracted can give you the self-confident attitude that carries over into other areas of your life. It’s fun to put on your favorite makeup, get your hair done, wear your favorite jewelry, and put on a sexy outfit for a night of fun. 

Mix It Up - Change Is Crucial

Even the best relationships and marriages deal with a lot of boredom and monotony. You can be with the most beautiful supermodel or stud in the world, but after years of the same thing it gets boring. It’s not personal. it’s just human nature. Casual dating and hooking up with new people gives you the variety that everyone craves. It keeps things fun and fresh! 

Takes The Drama Down A Notch

Physical intimacy helps to release pent up stress in the short term and long term by reducing the stress hormone cortisol. It also helps to improve quality of sleep and release endorphins. There is also a lot less drama and stress to deal with when it comes to informal dating. You don’t have to worry about big bills, never-ending chores, annoying in-laws, or expensive babysitters. No bitter text message battles on smartphones. And without the burdens of a restrictive relationship or family, there is a lot less drama to deal with. 

Be Free To Live And Love With Less Pressure

The freedom to do whatever you’d like with whoever you’d like is an incredible feeling. You can’t put a price on it, and casual adult dating gives you that opportunity while you find your match. 

Can Casual Companionship Lead To Much More? 

When you engage in casual companionship on dating websites you never know where it’s going to lead. And that’s part of the fun! It could lead to a date, a fun one night stand, or much more! Casual companions have been known to transition into long and happy marriages after all… 

Some Final Words On Casual Companionship 

Consider trying out casual adult dating with websites like No Strings Dating and spice up your life! Casual companionship is where it’s at, or at least it's a great starting point! Even if it leads to much more including marriage. Your latest hookup could end up being your future husband or wife!