Mastermind Marketing

5 Ways to Make Your Staff Look Sharp At Work

professionalism in the workplace ways make staff look sharp

A customer's experience can make or break a business. In fact, more than 70 percent of business owners say improving customer experience is their highest priority.

And professionalism in the workplace is the key to keeping customers happy. But it isn't always easy to know where to start and how to maintain the good habits that help to get you to that point.

We have got you covered. Read on for a guide to keeping it professional and the top ways to make any staff look sharp.

Why Professionalism in the Workplace Matters

A company's staff can dramatically impact a business' bottom line. Some studies suggest companies lose more than $60 billion to poor customer service alone.

And getting employees to act professionally can help fill a big gap in productivity. Some statistics show as much as 85 percent of employees don't reach their workplace potential.

Promoting professionalism in the workplace can get everyone on the same page and improve the whole work environment.

But a lot of employees and leaders simply don't know how to be professional. Here are five surefire ways to create sharp staff members.

1. Get the Whole Staff Involved

Workers are at their best when they can make meaningful contributions. Giving them opportunities to show their stuff can provide purpose and get them to care about the business.

Some good ways to do this are forming committees or special projects. When staff are engaged and care about the business, they will look crisper to customers.

2. Give Staff Credit for Accomplishments

It might seem better for managers to grab glory for themselves. But giving employees credit can make them feel like a meaningful part of a team.

It's also a good way to earn loyalty from staff. When they start seeing the good things they do, it will be easier for them to see their mistakes. And accountability is key to being professional.

3. Promote Strong Ethics

Being professional is all about ethics. And that means companies should have clear ethical expectations for both the business and staff.

Don't just assume employees know how to be professional. Instead, set up meetings or conferences to clearly let them know what behavior is good behavior.

4. Get Employees to Dress to Impress

Full suits might not be appropriate for every workplace, but the staff's dress code can make them look and act professionally. Employees should look clean, crisp, and promote company messages through their attire.

A good way to give employees a uniform look is through name badges. Interested managers can check out online experts to learn more about badges. And there are big benefits to branded workwear.

But if the company has uniforms, make sure they fit and are sending the right messages to customers.

5. Set a High Bar and Show it Off

One of the best ways to being professional is going above and beyond expectations. But that is hard to do if the employee standards aren't clear.

And unclear expectations are a huge problem. One Gallup study, spanning more than a million workers, found only around half knew what was expected of them.

The best way to fix this problem is to clearly communicate expectations from the first day on the job.

Getting Customers in the Door

These top five tips are sure to help any business promote professionalism in the workplace. But professionalism doesn't matter unless customers are coming in the door.

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