Mastermind Marketing

10 Essentials Of Effective Email Marketing

essentials email marketing mastery

Email marketing campaigns allow you to communicate directly with your prospective, existing and past customers. The best email marketing keeps and builds relationships with the people on your list and up-sells or cross-sells your products and services. 

Pretty much anybody can create and send out an email to a client base. But not everyone can send out the best possible email marketing campaign for their business. Email marketing best practices call for more than simply writing a couple of lines of text and sending it with no thought of what you are sending or who is going to receive it. As a result, many many people are wasting their time sending out emails and not getting the results they want. The email marketing tips below are some of the best email marketing strategies to help you increase the results from your email communications. 

1. Send Emails With Purpose 

The best email marketing campaign needs a purpose. What is the objective of your email? Are are you telling your subscribers and how do you want them to respond? Emails should always have a clear and concise message. If you're not sure if the objective of your email is clear, ask somebody who does not know what you are doing to read your email before you send it and see how they would respond if they received it. 

2. Tell Them Who Is Sending The Email 

This sounds obvious as you know that you are sending the email, but does your recipient know that? Make sure that your email is seen to be coming from a real person, company, or brand in the 'from' name box. People today are much more cautious and if they cannot connect the email to someone real, it's going to land in the trash or even in their spam. For the best email marketing results, avoid using generic email addresses like info@______ or support@_____ or sales@______ . These will not be nearly as effective as using an email address that's from a person like jon@ or sarah@. Subscribers want to connect with real people so get personal in your email marketing. 

3. Catchy Title 

The decision made by your prospects and customers on whether or not to open your email is based on what is written in your subject line. The subject line is like the headline of an advertisement and is important to the success of your email marketing campaign. Would you open an email with your subject line? 

4. Know Your Target Audience 

Do you know the worries, desires, needs or wants that your prospects have and how your service or product can solve them. Research from the best email marketing campaigns shows that men have a preference for subject lines and text that convey news or convincing information while most women prefer special discounts or promotional offers. Use current market research to optimize your subject line and content. 

5. Make Unsubscribing Easy

If somebody wants to unsubscribe from your subscriber list, let them. If you make it difficult, they may label you as spam. If a recipient has no interest in even getting or reading your emails, it is very unlikely that they will ever become a customer. You will not have any success with your email marketing if you worry over someone unsubscribing to your emails. 

Also remember that it's not always about having the highest number of subscribers. Segment your subscribers and remove some of the inactive recipients. Don't ever purchase an email list either because it ends up being as worthless and potentially damaging as buying social media bot followers.

6. Don't Just Go For The Hard Sell 

The best email marketing campaigns are about building a relationship with the people on you list by offering and providing information. Don't just constantly send out blatant sales messages. Provide beneficial information make your sales messages subtle. Rather than trying to sell in the email, think of getting clicks to your landing page for conversion. You don't want to develop a reputation for being too salesy.

7. Have A Clear Message 

Effective email marketing communicates your message as quickly and concisely as possible. You have to be very clear about how your product or service will benefit them. Remember that people don't want to read long boring emails that are not relevant to them. Include some videos and multimedia if you can to spice it up even more. If you get your benefits across quickly, you will keep the attention of your readers for both current and future emails. 

8. Give Your Audience Incentive To Read

Your audience has to want to read what you have to say and so your email must have an engaging subject line. Your subject line is like the headline of an advertisement. You may possibly have the best email ever written, but if your subject line does not catch the attention of the reader, it will not even get opened and just sit there in the cloud. Do not ever send an email without a subject line as it will most likely get deleted as soon as it arrives in the recipient inbox.  

9. Include A Clear Call-To-Action 

One of the most common errors made in email marketing is not telling the reader what you want them to do next. Do you want them to click on a link, ask for a sample, set up an appointment, purchase a product or service etc? Your reader needs to understand what you want them to do, or else they will most likely do nothing at all. The best way to accomplish this is with a clear call-to-action (CTA). 

10. Utilize An Autoresponder

Effective email marketing for any business comes from using an autoresponder. An autoresponder can capture the email information of your prospects and send information back to them immediately, regardless of where the customer is located or what time of the day it is. It can handle multiple customer lists and send out different messages, keeping track of who you send it to, what the subject line was, the body of the email, open rates, click-through rates (CTR) and how many previous messages you have sent.

I hope you enjoyed this article about the top ten essentials of effective email marketing and advertising.

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