Mastermind Marketing

10 Best Motivational Marketing E-Books

Elon Musk, on being questioned how he learned to build rockets, replied … “I read books”. Now, this perhaps is one of the most comical but also appropriate answers anyone can ever come up with. When you're trying to learn how to do anything, whether it's marketing or mathematics, you can learn a great deal from books and ebooks. 

There’s no substitute for reading books when it comes to trying things out on your own or launching something new; be it rockets or the business you’ve always aspired to set up. Knowledge is perhaps the rarest and commonest of all elements found on earth, provided you know the source and the right medium of transmission. And now it's easier than ever to read from anywhere with millions of convenient and affordable eBooks available on your smartphone or tablet. 

If we are to talk about business books or simply books to be precise that can help an individual learn, grow and innovate as far as launching a new business is concerned, then reading through the following list of ten ideal works can materialize your entrepreneurship goals effectively. 

1. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – by Stephen. R. Covey 

From developing leadership qualities to being self-motivated, setting up a business requires an individual to adopt numerous skills proficiently. This is where this book comes into play. The author has extensively talked about the fundamentals of attaining success and how effectiveness and efficiency can help an individual. 

2. Steve Jobs – by Walter Isaacsen 

This book is not merely an autobiographical work on the life and achievements of Steve Jobs; it is an inspiration by itself, depicting the personal and professional life of the Apple co-founder. The book represents a compilation of a series of interviews conducted by Isaacsen with Steve Jobs, his family members and colleagues over the period of three years. If you are about to start a business, this book is going to inspire you in every possible way. 

3. The Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup – by Noam Wasserman 

Starting up a business requires the founder to decide things wisely and move ahead with the venture in ways that can avoid risks and pitfalls in the long run. Noam Wasserman is here with an extensive overview on how to predict and avoid all potential pitfalls that may affect your startup negatively. From advising you on whether it’s going to pay off well on cofounding with relatives and friends to providing suggestions on how to anticipate and take a call regarding partnership splits and the likes; this book offers its readers a comprehensive solution. 

4. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses – by Eric Ries 

There’s always a way to prevent startup failures, and this is what the book is all about. Reading this book will help all young entrepreneurs and also the aspirants to adapt a scientific approach that can help them set up and manage startups much more successfully. Appropriate for the business of all categories, this book is just the right kind of read that can help you with a clearer vision and adaptability concerning all dos and don’ts of startup ventures. 

5. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action – by Simon Sinek 

33rd Vice President of the United States Harry S. Truman once famously said “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers”. If you aspire to become a successful entrepreneur, bring a new wave of change and become one of the forerunners of the startups, then reading through the pages of this book by Simon Sinek will help you to draw inspiration. You will explore how some of the world’s greatest leaders hold their vision of success, and act accordingly to lead movements, materialize dreams and establish businesses successfully. 

6. Be Obsessed or Be Average – by Grant Cardone 

This book is all about Grant Cardone’s journey from being broke and drug addicted to becoming a successful millionaire businessman. If real life instances motivate you towards establishing successful businesses, then buy this book today. This man’s incredible journey from rags to riches is likely to serve as the right dose of inspiration that every budding entrepreneur needs to establish their ventures successfully. 

7. The Barefoot Executive: The Ultimate Guide for Being Your Own Boss and Achieving Own Freedom – by Carrie Wilkerson 

If you are not sure about what should you offer to your audience and who exactly are your target customers, then this book by Carrie Wilkerson is for you. The author talks explicitly about setting business goals and focusing on them - what type of business suits an individual best and every essential thing that can trigger excitement. The author guides her readers through the entire process of establishing a successful business by developing ultimate leadership qualities, abilities to keep up with the pace. 

8. The Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Greatness - by Jeffrey Gitomer 

This one goes out to the salespeople willing to establish something by their own self. Even though you are planning to put an end to your professional life as a marketer or salesperson and start something on your own, you will be required to sell products at the end of the day in order to take your business to the level of prosperity. This short but effective book on sales tactics and ideas should certainly make it to your must- read list. 

9. Million Dollar Consulting – by Alan Weiss 

If you are truly determined to set up with your business and move ahead with the venture towards attaining utmost success, then add this book to your must-read list today. This book is basically a guide covering all nitty-gritty of starting a business, bagging new clients, raising capital and every crucial corporate advice on practicing a trade that can fetch you accolades in the long run. 

10. The Business Start-Up Kit – by Steven. D. Strauss 

Pretty evident from the name of the book, the author has explicitly talked about the various aspects highlighting those things that are appropriate for start-ups and the ones that are not. Additionally, the readers will also get to read through suggestions regarding appropriate choice of businesses, alongside other essential tips and tricks requisite for running start-up ventures successfully. 

So, before you are thinking of anything else, make it a point to read through these books as discussed above. It is to be remembered, apart from investing capital on business, you gotta invest your knowledge and time as well. Good luck! 

Also check out The $10 Startup Book

Now Read:  Super Social Selling Suggestions

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